We are committed to providing a high-quality service to all of our clients but should anything go wrong we need to know about it. We can then help you to resolve the matter and your complaint will help us to improve our standards.
Our complaints procedure
If you are unhappy with any part of our service, you can let us know about either by telephone or in writing. Please call either our Compliance Director or our Managing Director on:
Calls from the UK: 020 8658 4334
International calls: +44 20 8658 4334
Email: gary.tommy@brownhillgroup.co.uk or gillian.henderson@brownhillgroup.co.uk
Any complaint made by telephone should be followed up in writing. If you make a complaint by telephone, we will try to respond immediately. If we cannot resolve the matter immediately, then the following steps will be taken:
A) We will send you a letter acknowledging your complaint, detailing the circumstances and asking you to confirm that we have fully understood the matter. You can expect to receive our letter within 5 working days of our receipt of your complaint.
B) We will record your complaint in our Complaints Register and open a file for your complaint.
C) We will then investigate your complaint.
We will deal with your complaint as soon as possible and we will let you have a final written response within 20 working days of receipt of the complaint.
If your complaint is sufficiently complicated to warrant longer investigation, or if for reasons outside our control we cannot complete our investigation, we will explain the reasons for the delay and when you can expect to receive our final response.
We subscribe to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). This means that private clients, enterprises with less than 50 employees, a turnover of less than £6,500,000 or with a balance sheet of less than £5,000, 000 have the right to refer the matter to the Ombudsman at any time during the complaints procedure or within 6 months (maximum) of the date of our final written response. The FOS contact details are as follows:
Address: Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9SR
Telephone from the UK: 0800 023 4567 | International: +44 20 7964 0500
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
If you take your complaint to the FOS they may wish to have access to the files that we hold in relation to your insurances. We will pass them our file without further reference to you unless you request otherwise in writing. We will remind you when the 6-month period has begun.
Non-related complaints
If we receive a complaint which does not relate to the general insurance product or the service that we have provided, or should more appropriately be referred to a different company or organisation, we will advise you in writing as soon as possible but no later than within 5 working days of receipt of your complaint. Where possible, we will provide details of where the complaint should be re directed.

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